Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Just wanted to give you guys the latest update on how our boy is doing. The doctors came by an hour or so ago and told us that O-daddy is doing better and things look pretty good so far. To save you from all the medical jargon, we have turned off the "tanning bed" and waiting to see what happens to his counts for the jaundice. If his numbers continue to decrease from now until 7, they will send us home. If they go back up....we will probably be here one more (hopefully) night. Pray that things will go smoothly at this point.

On a side note, pray for Erin to relax while feeding. Little O isn't taking to her really well and we have seen 4 different lactation specialists in 4 days....one in each location we have visited. Although they are all sweet...they do not all provide the same info and it is putting extra stress on my wonderful wife. All she wants is for our baby to be healthy....but when different people give us different info, it stresses us out trying to figure out who to listen to. Also, we appreciate all the calls, but please do not call Erin anymore. Aside from her phone being dead (battery) from all the calls.....she is crying each time someone calls and she wants to stop crying. Hormones....can't live with them....pass the peanuts.


TMB said...

so glad things are looking better for AJ!

(sorry for the call, certainly don't want to add more stress to the pile!)


Toom said...

I still remember our boy's week in the NICU, though I have to think hard about it. I look at this crazy kid running around non-stop and it's hard to believe he was in that position.

Thankfully, I had no idea what was happening - in fact, I didn't even know what NICU stood for until after the fact. (true story)

Regardless, I learned what incredibly talented people are down there and I am confident y'all will be saying the same thing one day!!!

TMB said...

lots of prayers going up...

Debbie S said...

Erin & Adma, So sorry to hear of the events over the past two days! I'm thankful to hear that AJ is doing better now & pray that he continues to improve. Breastfefeding isn't always easy at first, but with a little patience, you will both get the hang of it. I was concerned that I hadn't heard from you, but now understand why. Egleston is the best place that you could be, full of wonderful doctors & nurses. AJ was so well behaved for 9 months, so he needs to get back on track, so that you can enjoy being Mom & Dad. You are all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Erin, AJ is beautiful....we knew he would be, look at the two of you!! I look forward to holding and kissing him! Your going to be the best parents! Creasman's are praying for you three!


Heather said...

Love you all! I hope that one day this will be a distant memory.

Adam ... let me know when you are ready for a meal b/c I am ready to bring you all one!

Please tell Erin I love her. Call me if I can do anything... I MEAN IT!

amyinatlanta said...

Erin, Adam, and AJ,

Hang in there. This will all get better soon and you are in the best hands possible.

Erin, I know that this must be so hard for you. Try to get a little rest and take care of your self -- when you take AJ home he will need you to be rested.

Your are in my thoughts,

Sean and Mandy said...

Hey guys - Praying - It's tough - We love ya'll - Sean and Mandy

allison said...

"Cast your cares upon Him!" That verse keeps ringing in my ears right now while reading your blog. I had been checking and now understand why there hadn't been any recent posts.
Erin-I agree the lactation spec. were telling us things that were different from day to day too..it is very overwhelming, confusing, angering...etc etc. I cried almost every time I fed Caroline for 4 weeks...it'll work out ... we love you and are praying.

Deb Cotterell said...

I am glad to hear AJ is doing much better. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I truly understand how you felt when AJ was in NICU. It is a helpless feeling, because as parents we always want to make it right. But although this is true, God is truly the one that is in control. So on those days that you felt helpless, the big boss was controlling things. Enjoy your Christmas with your newest most precious, adorable addition to your family (He is truly CUTE!!)I love you and God bless you both.