Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Nigerian Nightmare

Erin asked if I had blogged about our nurse from last night yet.....and I told her, "No, not yet....I don't want her to see something and get mad." But Erin reminded me that her shift ended at 7AM, and its doubtful that she has any clue about this anyway. Now that she is off-duty, I suppose I can tell y'all that she was "not nice" (Erin lingo) and did not make us feel very worthy to be parents. From the get-go last night she was telling us how concerned she was that we were not doing things right with feeding the baby. She never even introduced herself (or wrote her name on the little white board) until around 10 PM when I finally asked her what her name was. Litterally, the first conversation was asking Erin why the baby wasn't eating really well, etc and what we were doing about it. Well, given that we are not health care professionals and this is our first baby, we don't know why the boy's not eating....and as for what we are doing about it- We are doing everything that we have been told to do to the best of our ability. He ate a little bit sometime before 10 and then again a little around 12:30. He woke up a little past 1:30 crying so we tried to feed him then too...and he did OK till about 2. We tried to wake him up around 4 but everytime we put him next to Erin he was zonked we let him sleep. The Nigerian Nightmare returned a little before 6 (we were going to try again at 6:30) and started getting onto Erin about the baby not eating, etc. I'm sure the nurse felt like she was being calm and polite, but she was pretty terse and unencouraging (I know this, because I come across this way daily). Regardless, Erin is trying her best and I am doing all I know to do to encourage her and help her....but this lady was the pits. Here's hoping our nurse for this rotation is as good as our first couple. We'll soon see.

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