Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Flying Solo

O-daddy chilin' with Big Daddy......

Last night was our first night alone as Nina has left for Las Vegas with Rock. The boy slept pretty well through the night but wanted to eat around 3....and even though I told Erin that I would do it...she woke up and sat with him for about an hour. We got out of bed this morning and tried to breast feed for the first time in a while....and Erin did great. After a few minutes of fussiness...Little O latched on pretty well and fed for about 15 minutes total. Obviously we fed him some other milk we had refrigerated to top him off...but he stayed up for several hours and then fed again for Erin while I was at school. Two other times since then he has fed really well for about 10 minutes on each side. We are really excited. Brian is over here for the first time and Cayce and the kids are here too. Just wanted to share with all of you who might still be reading as you are probably the ones who are still praying for us on a regular basis. Thanks so much for all of your love and prayers and food and everything else that all of you have done to support us. Keep on praying and we'll hopefully see many of you soon.

1 comment:

allison said...

Yeah! Thank you Lord! We are fearfully and wonderfully made. He has made you two to be his parents! I continue to pray for wisdom w/ feeding, patience to learn together, and the ability to admit when you need help. Please let us know if we can help with anything. -Allison