Friday, December 7, 2007

Moving right along....

Erin just received her epidural a bit ago and she did really well. We had a great Doctor who let us know exactly what he was doing and when...and what she should expect with each step of the procedure. After that was done her contractions stopped hurting so much although she can still tell when they are coming. She is still loopy from the medicine from a while ago and she is resting pretty well. Funny thing is the she keeps slipping in and out of sleep and while sleeping she will have conversations (out loud) from her dreams. Pretty hilarious actually.

She was just checked and she is now almost 8 cm dilated....which means (should mean) that we might not have much longer.

We'll see.


Shannon DeSouza said...

On behalf of the Coordinated Care department we would like to say, "Push girl Push!!" We love being able to check in on the updates. Also, is there any way you can elaborate on these "dreams/conversations?" We all would get a kick out of that. Congrats!

TMB said...

i cannot believe he is almost here. i'm coming back when nathan gets home from work!! erin, you are amazing. you are almost there...AJ will be here soon!!!