Friday, December 21, 2007

Back by Popular Demand (or The Resurfacing of the Hanging Chads)

I have been getting complaints and requests regarding the poll that existed for a short while on this blog that was supposed to help convince my wife how cool the name "Orantes" is. The complaints stem from the fact that the poll was open only a short time (around 24 hours). Many friends and family members have also complained because they were unable to cast a vote or cast an "incorrect" vote due to the complications that existed with the system. It was apparently very much so that many were in tears when they realized what they had done (not really). The requests revolve around reopening the poll in some way to let there be a recount. Just so that all are aware....this recount will not have any real impact on the my wife's choice has become official. However, it will go a long way to show her how much support (or lack thereof) is actually out there for such a cool name. If you need a reminder of why I even wanted such a name...please read the story to the right. You can only vote no ballot stuffing will occur. You can change your vote....but be careful when doing so as the internet could shut down and prevent you from changing it back. The last count was something like 24 for AJ....and only 9 for Orantes. Let's do this thing and see how it all shapes up in round 2. We'll keep it open for a week this give everyone a chance to vote that wants one. Hopefully we'll see some new results this go-round.

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