Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Morning

So here we are in the NICU at Eggleston on O's 4th day removed from the womb watching our son laying hooked up to all kids of monitors and IV's and stuff and "tanning" under a bright light while his eyes are covered with some kind of blinders. Its not exactly what we were expecting, as I thought I'd be back to work today and try to figure out what a "normal" day would look like. Even though it isn't ideal, it makes both of us very grateful that we live in a place like Atlanta with great opportunities at Children's Healthcare, in a time where they know what all is going on with all of these little hiccups with newborns. I can only imagine the helplessness that folks felt in the previous times when a lethargic baby who wouldn't feed might just slip away to be with Jesus because there weren't any doctors around....and even if there were, they might not know what was going on or how to treat it if they did. Needless to say, we are very grateful that the good Lord has placed us in this place and time.

On a side note, Insurance companies are "not nice", to use Erin lingo. My thoughts on them should not be shared in an open forum. However, I feel very comfortable saying that while the blessings mentioned above are from God....Insurance companies are from the Devil.

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