i found this verse, psalm 139:13, on the cfhusband website. it was just the verse i have been needing to hold onto. "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb." as many of you know, i have been having a hard time letting go of my sweet baby and trusting the Lord with him. trusting in everything from how my baby will get his food, to what if he gets sick, to how do i pray for this boy's life and myself as his mom, to what if this and that... I know i have to let go and trust that my baby is not mine, but the Lord's first. and only the Lord knows the best for aj, especially, what each day will bring. i need his strength to chill out.
today has been the first day that i have trully been able to release a bit of all that i am holding onto to the Lord. it is freeing! (so freeing, that aj will be starting his nightime in his real bedroom. i can not say how i will do overnight, therefore, i write"starting") i know that i have so much to learn in this area, as i am just touching the surface in all the Lord wants to teach me. today was a good start at relaxing with the motherhood thing. i just pray my husband can be patient with me as i discover this out. and all you sweet friends. and aj.
for the prayer warriors out there... Rock(my dad) is in Korea for working matters.pray for productivity and safety. thank you
1 comment:
You know I've been waiting for the next post girl! You will probably not get too much sleep tonight ... but, you will get better at letting him be in his own room. That will come with time ... one morning you'll wake up and think "OH MY GOSH! I haven't been up all night ... he must still be asleep!"{ And you will crack the door to his room and find him all snuggled up just sleeping away ... and then my dear .. you wil have arrived. But, it may take 6 months for this to happen ... be patient. Every sweet child is different - my 2 couldn't be more different. Wait until that dreaded 45 minute intruder starts ... UGH! Call me when that starts happening. I'll talk you thru it. :0)
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