on to the moment of truth... i did it. good thing i wrote on the blog last night that i wanted aj to try his room(or me to try his room). aj would not have been in his room had it not been for me to keep my word. he went to his bed after bottle and falling asleep on daddy. then he stayed all night in that room far away or 20 feet. so, i do not know if i slept better with him at the foot of my bed or in his room. i do know that i felt very accomplished this morning.
the sun needs to shine and the cold wind needs to stop blowing. aj and i can not wait to go outside and take some more walks. maybe in a few days.
much love
oh! i didn't realize that last night was the night! yay for you!!!! and, yes ... the trick is to find different places for your babe to be all day. Bed, bouncey seat, swing, excersaucer, highchair, back to the bouncer ... sick of that? ok, back to the exersaucer ... tummy time? ugh! ok ... how about a Baby Einstein movie ... wanna go in the johnny jumper ... and it goes on and on and on until they can walk ... and then they just go whereever they please. which ... is good and bad. you are doing SO SO good. the view was HILARIOUS today .... thought of you -- and myself actually :0)
you are cracking me up missy!! i heard that this really is an epidemic...these infants that just get up and walk away!!!!
but seriously, it looks like you have quite a nice rig there. it's so true, you have to station bouncy seats, swings, etc.. throughout the house so they can be happy while you are grabbing a shower, scrounging dinner together, throwing a load of laundry in, etc...!
and baby einstein...mom has them for you! i keep forgetting to get them from her. but those are great!!
also....WAY TO GO with the crib sleeping!! i know its hard, but i think in the long run you will get more sleep! at least i found that to be true for myself!
we can't wait to see you...
looks like you are really figuring out the "method to the madness" of this mom thing! aj is a lucky little man!
love you
Erin-So very proud of you and yes you are totally normal. I am very impressed w/ AJ already being in his room. I wasn't ready for that until week 11 I think. Way to go! Please let me know when we can bring you all dinner!
Dear Erin- I have met you several times at Grace- I used to teach at PCA w/ Adam. I have 3 wonderful boys: Cole (19), Sam (17), & Casey (15). I remember so well when Cole was born. I was teaching in Macon, GA and he came 3 wks. early. I was supposed to go back to work for like 2 wks. They wanted me to come- so I just had to quit- there was NO way I was going to leave Cole- so I know how you feel! Love the little guy and God will bless you. In Him, Jayne Huberzzgvjkhw
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