i know. i know. i am terrible at this blogging stuff. i remember when adam mentioned starting the blog for the delivery. my first thought was "oh, no, then i will have to keep it up". i love looking at other people's blog, but did not want to become one of "them". who would want to read our blog?
here we are with a blog and i loved the blog in the beginning when adam wrote. i still love the blog, just a little less. i just do not know what to do in writing. my friends come up with these great stories. my day is the same. feed, pump, nap, and repeat. i know things will get more interesting as aj ages. each day does include aj doing something new; focusing longer on my face, smiling more on cue, bigger poopie diaper, etc. so, all this to say, i am sorry at being bad at the blogging. i will try harder.
here we are with a blog and i loved the blog in the beginning when adam wrote. i still love the blog, just a little less. i just do not know what to do in writing. my friends come up with these great stories. my day is the same. feed, pump, nap, and repeat. i know things will get more interesting as aj ages. each day does include aj doing something new; focusing longer on my face, smiling more on cue, bigger poopie diaper, etc. so, all this to say, i am sorry at being bad at the blogging. i will try harder.
aj has been great this week. his little personality is already coming out in his grunting and hand motions when he is trying to get his point across. there is this feeling in me that he might have his dad's strong willed personality. oh fun!
aj had his first playdate with little dylan (almost 10 months) on wednesday. he was struck by her beauty that all he did was stare at her the whole time. i enjoyed having tays and dylan here, b/c i was able to talk in something other than baby babble and drill tays on her baby knowledge.

then, i was out of the house on thursday morning and friday morning without aj. i feel like i was in a daze the entire time thinking about my baby at home, but enjoying some freedom. will i ever feel like i did not just leave my heart at home when aj is not with me. ( i do miss my husband when not together. though, it is not the same.)
all day saturday, i kept thinking about how much differently the day with snow would have been if aj was just a little older. we would have been out there in the snow making memories. that is the kind of mom i want to be everyday. i want to be the kind of mom that goes off the beaten path to make memories with my kids. i feel like i had a very blessed childhood with a mom and dad that took the extra moment to make a memory with me and my sisters. pray that adam and i will be the same. great memories.
i, for one, love to read your blog! i think your words and thoughts are SO good...and things that all moms can relate to. i often think...do people really want to hear about us? but i have realized that the blogging is also "therapeutic" for me...even if no one really reads it! i love to hear what's going on in your world!! so i say...keep it up! i think you'd be surprised to know how many people are checking in on you guys!
thanks for giving us a "shout out" on the cantrell blog! that first picture of dylan gives a glimpse into dylan's little drama queen-ness! so funny! aj is too cute and is growing up so much already!
loved seeing you both!
Oh my, how AJ has grown - he is absolutely beautiful and looks so grown up!! Erin, you are a great mom and are feeling and doing exactly what good moms do - protecting your little one from anything!!! God is very capable of doing that without you but He chooses to let you in on the assignment. Adam, the pic of you and AJ on the sofa is so precious. I'm so glad God has given you both AJ (and us, too). I am praying for you. Little by little, you do get more comfortable with your little one, but you always have concerns. Enjoy this time, it passes quickly!!
i check your blog daily (ok, maybe like 4 times daily) b/c i LOVE to hear what is going on in your little corner of the world. keep your blogs coming girl .... i think more people get things out of what you say than you think. you inspire me for one! love you all.
ERIN! I, too, LOVE the blog... you are so fun and transparent with your thoughts, emotions, prayers. You inspire me (for one day when I'm a Mom) to just be "me" and not to try to be anyone's hero. To entrust Christ with the precious gift of a child. I love to laugh and tear up as I literally read yours and Adam's new journey. Can't wait for all the awesome advice you will bestow upon me one day! You are doing so fantastic. Love you, sweet girl:)
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