Saturday, December 15, 2007

Quiet Days at Home

We have a great kid. At this point, O-daddy only cries when he is being changed or when he is hungry....and even then its not that bad. Sometimes I let him cry for a few minutes just to get his pipes some work. I hope that's OK...but no one has told me otherwise yet. It seems I have a knack for helping my son relax a bit. Now I just told you all that he does not get all wound up about just what kind of relaxing am I refering to? The
excretory kind. He has now peed on my no less than 4 times and has pooped while in my arms the last 4 times I have held him. At least I am not the only one that he has urinated Erin and Leigh have both fell victim to the blast at least I know its not personal.

Erin is one great mom. She loves our son very much and does so much for him that she is already sacrificing parts of herself for him. That's the part that we have to keep an eye on and make sure we pray about. She needs to get the rest she needs so that she can be all that he needs. We're learning. One day at a time...but we're learning.

Nina has been great and we really appreciate all that she has done for us. I think Sunday night will be her last night with us as she is going to Las Vegas with Rock for a conference of some we better be ready. She has handled most all of the nighttime duties to this the real work is just around the corner. Big Momma has offered to fill in for a while if we still need more help...but we're gonna see what we can do without her first.

Tonight we are sitting around watching one of the "Love...." movies on the Hallmark Channel. They are kinda "Little House on the Prarie".....even produced and directed by Michael Landon, I like them just fine. If you didn't know...I'm a huge Little House fan and hope to complete my collection this Christmas of the entire series. My family used to watch the episodes together when we were growing up....and I hope to have "TV nights" for us where we watch those shows again. It would be ideal for that to of my dreams.

Its amazing to watch Little O change almost minute by minute. He looks so much like Erin to me its kinda scary. He has lips that are like mine were...and has a nice ridge across the top of his nose between his eyes like I do....but other than that....he's all Erin. I have always been a bit scared that I would have sons that are more like Erin than I (on the slim side of things) and that my poor daughters would have my body. All I can say is that will be one scary girl. Good thing about it would be that she wouldn't have many guys messing with her. There's always a plus side.

Just wanted to also say thanks for visiting this site as much as you have. This blog has also now shown up on the first page when you do a Google Search on "Orantes Grant". How cool would it be if the real OG checked us out sometime and dropped us a line. Maybe I could even have him sign Little O's forehead sometime. Sweet Action....that's what that'd be.

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