Tuesday, December 11, 2007

On to the NICU

Our parents went and picked us up some Everybody's Pizza (brought back old memories of hang out time with the crew) and we were able to eat some dinner just before midnight. There were some really kind doctors here and our nurse, Michelle, was great. Nina had gone back to our house to get some things for Erin and to get my computer so that I could keep everyone up to date on what was going on. She got back up here sometime after 1 AM and brought so much stuff that she needed a huge red Radio Flyer wagon to get it all upstairs. Little did she know that the room we were in was pretty small and we are actually coexisting with another child (who has no family here or anything...kinda weird). We couldn't use everything she brought, but the change of clothes, my laptop, Erin's breast pump, etc. were all very nice. The nurses found us a couple of convertible chairs to sleep on that made the night a little better. I slept pretty well, as I can do so in any conditions at any time, but Erin only caught a few winks here and there. She is truly amazing though working on so little sleep (when she normally needs a good 9 hours) and is still "as wonderful as the day is long". I am so glad that she is my wife and the mother of our child (see "Who's your daddy article for a chuckle").

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