sorry adam, i acidentally posted in this account!
happy new year!
you all have to forgive me for being MIA in the last month. i think i was enjoying the holiday way too much and did not want it to end. we had one of the best holidays i have ever had. adam was home almost 3 weeks, and Christmas was incredible watching it through the eyes of a child. (and my man was extra sweet this year in the gift giving area.)sooo... we are doing great.
i have had so many date nights and girls nights out. i just have to mention it b/c every girl needs to see Bride Wars. i think kate hudson and anne hathaway make the best movie together. i had to see it on opening night, b/c i was so excited.

while i am making recommendations for the new year... i have to share with you a book that is becoming a rock to me. Psalm 91. my dad believes so strongly in this book that he gave everyone a copy of their own at Christmas. i started reading it a few days after later.
the book takes you through the power of praying psalm 91 in the bible, sentence by sentence. oh my. i had never read the psalm in such a way. if you struggle with fear, like i do, then you need to read it asap.

here is a catch up story: one thing the Lord is trying to work on in my life is the issue of fear.this world is so evil! i freaked out in alot of ways when aj was born and i do not want to do that again with this new baby. it was only when i realized that my sweet aj was the Lord's first and then mine, was i able to chill out and release it all to the Lord. (i will explain this more some time) all this to say, i do not want to freak out again with the new little one's arrival. the Lord has working on me to do.
so , i read through the Psalm 91 once and then twice. then, i began praying the prayer of psalm 91 over adam, myself, and aj. later that first morning, i realized that i had not prayed it over my new baby. so, i made a mental note to begin praying it over baby. about an hour after the mental note, my doctor called to say that my down syndrome test came back positve. my thought"okay Lord, you really want to teach me". i went into shock mode and went straight to journalling and praying all by myself. two hours later, i felt the most incredible peace. i waited till adam got home to tell him, and later called my dad. peace. peace. the first thing adam said was "well, i feel like the Lord has prepared us if it is his will we have a special needs child". dad kept saying "i know your baby is fine".
(God is good and at work. i love this book)
and my baby is fine.praise the Lord. so far, baby looks good. i know what sex the baby is and some of you do and some of you do not. na na na na na.
this post became longer than i wanted, so i will share with you on the next day or next.
great post!!
...and what i love the most, is that at the end you were saying some know the sex of baby cantrell--and others don't. well those that don't, won't have to look far...being that adam's last post was about the sex! :) cute--
SO thankful that all is well with baby C--and i love your heart!
miss you friend.
Erin, thank you for sharing your heart. That book sounds incredible, I'll have to pick it up soon!
I can't wait to talk it over with you next month and see your peaceful pregnancy glow in person!
I sure love you guys!!!
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