Monday, February 4, 2008


i am feeling bad about having written "post partum deprssion" in explaining my emotions yesterday. there are people that trully SUFFER from this illness and i am not one of them. i just felt how easily it would have been to dip into such an illness. i have faith in Jesus Christ and feel that alot of those mental illnesses are spiritual warfare.
when i had to visit psych facilities in my undergrad and grad programs, those where miserable days. interesting days, but i was sick to my stomach the entire time visiting. i would sit next to the door during group sessions with the trash can beside me. just in case i had this stuff actually come up. and i was continually praying for protection and strength to make it through the day. the spiritual warfare in those places is so intense. yes, i think some people trully have chemical imbalances, but some need to find Jesus.
all that to say, that i do not want to take any credit in having to work through such issues. more power to the women that do struggle after a baby with chemical imbalances and come out on top.


Cstargel said...

Hey Erin! I know you don't know me - I'm a friend of Heather's (and have known Adam for years as well!) but I love your blog and just wanted to encourage you - all new mom's have that blur and fogginess STILL at 8 weeks! You are doing GREAT! You are such a godly woman and mother and I love reading your blog! Keep it up!

P.S. How fun are boys? I have two and could eat them up! They love their mamas!!!!

Heather said...

E! So glad to get the update lady! He is absolutely precious! And, I LOVE to change around rooms as well. You are doing great ... I am ready to get my hands on the guy! I'm suffering from a sinus infection and 2 ear infections myself!!!! Ugh! Now I know why ear infections knock the kiddos out ... I'm a tough cookie and I feel like I'm on my death bed!

Love reading about your life. Let's do dinner soon.