Adam has been a sweetheart from the very begining of baby Aj's life in that he does as many of the daily doings that he can for me and Aj. one thing Adam has done is take the morning feedings on saturday and sunday so i can "sleep in". the past few times, Aj is always in some weird position in bed after Adam has put him back after the feeding.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
ride along little cowboy
adam loves to sing this song with Aj on his knee. today, Adam started singing the song and then decided to make up some more verses, but Aj thought they were boring. he fell asleep in a few seconds. i would have too!
Friday, February 22, 2008
okay okay!
i know i keep saying that i will get better at this posting stuff, but i just get worse.
i am still not the normal "Erin"(though i am not even considered normal by loved ones prior to baby hormones entering body). we just keep waiting!
no, my baby is not off to college (very funny tays), but he is learning about dogs these days. or just dog. josie has been up with Aj. charlie's brain is still too small to be running around baby Aj. here are a few pictures.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
the big joke around this house is that i love to move things (furniture, pictures, rugs, etc.) and my husband does not like change. there is a new feel to the house when you rearrange some furniture or move a picture frame. i love that feeling. he will just have to contiunue to deal with it, b/c i love house decorating.
last week, Adam left me alone too long one day, and Aj and i rearranged his entire room. we also moved some things in two bathrooms, kitchen, and master bedroom. the day began with a trip to Ikea which resulted in a few new items to play with in the house. ending the day, was me hearing Adam in different rooms saying "you got to be kidding me" and then telling me how much he liked things. i am thankful for a husband respecting the wife's role of making a home a home even though he wishes some things stayed the same longer.
just thought i would share.Monday, February 4, 2008
i am feeling bad about having written "post partum deprssion" in explaining my emotions yesterday. there are people that trully SUFFER from this illness and i am not one of them. i just felt how easily it would have been to dip into such an illness. i have faith in Jesus Christ and feel that alot of those mental illnesses are spiritual warfare.
when i had to visit psych facilities in my undergrad and grad programs, those where miserable days. interesting days, but i was sick to my stomach the entire time visiting. i would sit next to the door during group sessions with the trash can beside me. just in case i had this stuff actually come up. and i was continually praying for protection and strength to make it through the day. the spiritual warfare in those places is so intense. yes, i think some people trully have chemical imbalances, but some need to find Jesus.
all that to say, that i do not want to take any credit in having to work through such issues. more power to the women that do struggle after a baby with chemical imbalances and come out on top.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
8 weeks
time has flown and i still do not know what to think of all this mommyhood stuff. here are a few things i do know to be true: i am more and more in love with my son (and husband). i feel more and more like a mom. i think i have the cutest baby. my body does not feel as much like it was hit by a car. and i am going to survive mommyhood.
so much has happened in the past few weeks. greener pastures are in my view. i think i may have had a touch of the post-partum depression that you hear about. i did not dip deeply into it, but there were days my head was not clear. as if i was in a daze and did not know what to do next but feed, burp, pump, and sleep. my sweet husband has gone above and beyond his role for this household. he is my jewel. i could talk more and more about my emotions, but this post is for Aj being 8 weeks old.
please forgive me for taking forever to post updates. i told you i was going to work on that, and i did not do well. i will keep trying. so many of you have asked for pictures. this is a big picture update for you. i hope you enjoy them all.
we are making huge progress in the baby growing area. he is so much more alert. which allows us to actually interact! there is so much joy when your baby responds to you. Aj loves his baths and waking up in the morning. i think he is going to be a morning person taking after the Lightfoot family (not the Cantrell family!). every morning we talk and smile for several minutes before feeding begins. he is staying in his bed from the last feeding around 10pm till 5 or 6am. he stirs through the night, but always goes back to sleep. we take walks and sing tons of songs completely made up. i just love each day more and more.
God is so good all the time and in everything.
i have a few more things i could tell you about, but i will save them for later posts this week.
much lovin.
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